Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Regina, SK

Having a beautiful smile can improve your life both professionally and socially. Now you can get that perfect smile through porcelain restorations, veneers and teeth whitening at Southview Dental.

*This is not complete treatment information and treatment options. Outcomes will vary patient to patient.
Before & After Whitening

Over the years stains from medications, coffee or tea, yellowing, wear of the outer tooth layer, and fluorosis can all contribute to the discoloration of the teeth. With custom take-home trays, Southview Dental can provide a customized solution. Using whitening agents on the enamel our take-home system can provide a significant change in the appearance of your teeth. It is important to discuss whitening with your dentist prior to beginning treatment as previous restorations and crowns may whiten the same as natural teeth. Although whitening the teeth does not cause damage to the enamel sensitivity can occur in some patients during the course of treatment.

woman veneers

Southview Dental can provide porcelain veneers as a possible treatment for patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their smile. Veneers conservatively change the color, size, and shape of teeth and mask undesirable stains, fillings, or damage. They are also an effective solution for concealing gaps between the teeth.

Women Smiling Out of Focus

In teeth that have suffered trauma or have previously undergone a root canal dark staining can occur. Because of the nature of this internal staining conventional tooth whitening cannot correct the appearance of the tooth. Intercoronal whitening is an alternative to crowns or veneers for restoring the esthetics of a darkened tooth. A whitening agent is placed inside the tooth and covered with a temporary filling for roughly a week, after which the process may be repeated until the desired shade is reached. Results can vary based on severity and duration of the stain inside the tooth.

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Southview Dental | | 306-757-8617 |